“Therefore, the crux of the issue before us is this: if a court has issued a decree relieving a parent of any child-support obligation, is there a separate obligation that arises by law under which that parent still is required to provide maintenance and support to the child? The answer to that question is no.”
Child Support Obligation
What’s on Their Minds: Is the Consent of a Parent Who is Judicially Relieved of a Support Obligation Required for an Adoption? In Re Adoption of B.I.
By Marianna Bettman on
Update: On June 25, 2019. The Supreme Court of Ohio handed down a merit decision in this case. Read the analysis here.
“What this judgment entry did is wipe the slate clean as far as a judicial decree establishing an amount to be paid. That didn’t negate the common law duty to have a parent…
Oral Argument Preview: Is the Consent of a Parent Who is Judicially Relieved of a Support Obligation Required for an Adoption? In Re Adoption of B.I.
By Marianna Bettman on
Update: On June 25, 2019. The Supreme Court of Ohio handed down a merit decision in this case. Read the analysis here.
Read an analysis of the oral argument here.
On January 8, 2019, the Supreme Court of Ohio will hear oral argument in the case of In Re: Adoption of B.I. 2018-0182. At…