The Ohio Appellate Insights blog, published by Porter Wright Morris & Arthur’s Appellate practice group, provides practice pointers, tips, best practices and strategic thinking guides on how to maximize outcomes within the Ohio appellate courts.

Whether you are a seasoned litigator, in-house counsel, or even a business owner facing the prospect of an appeal, the appellate process can be daunting. Most businesses and individuals go years without ever having participated in a lawsuit. Those that do rarely end up needing to participate in an appeal, as over 95% of cases end in settlement. But when facing the prospect of an appeal, due to an adverse judgment or an opposing party who wants to continue to litigate, the more you know about the opportunities and limitations in an appeal, the better you can position yourself for a successful outcome.

For litigators comfortable in trial court proceedings, getting up to speed on the intricacies of the Ohio intermediate appellate courts and the Ohio Supreme Court can be challenging. The Ohio appellate process contains an entirely new and detailed set of rules and strategies to learn.

Our attorneys have experience in the following areas:

  • Trial consulting;
  • Full appellate representation;
  • Motions practice;
  • Amicus briefs; and
  • Original actions.