In the upcoming November election, most of the spotlight has been on two very controversial statewide ballot issues–a referendum to overturn S.B. 5, the new collective bargaining law that greatly restricts the rights of public employees, and a constitutional amendment aimed at allowing Ohioans to opt out of the federal health care reform mandate that

In last month’s column I discussed the still-undecided Hamilton County juvenile court election. In this column, I continue to examine this race, but this time, from the perspective of the relationship of the two sets of courts hearing the case, and to look at the next steps.

One of the curiosities of our judicial system

On election night, Nov. 2, 2010, in the race for Hamilton County Juvenile Court Republican John Williams was ahead by 2,847 votes— 10,500 provisional ballots were not included in that count. A provisional ballot is one cast where there are questions about a voter’s eligibility. For example, voters who don’t have the right form of