“Unless the trial court knows or has reason to know of a potential conflict, the court does not have an affirmative duty to inquire about the attorney’s joint representation of codefendants.”

Justice Stewart, Majority Opinion

“I would address the right to counsel in Article I, Section 10 of the Ohio Constitution and hold that it

Update: On February 4, 2020, the Court dismissed this case as improvidently accepted.

“Is this a big problem? Do you have attorneys from the PD’s office storming the courts to get off cases because of a potential risk of conflict?”

Chief Justice O’Connor, to the prosecutor

“And so how do we draw that distinction between

Update: On February 4, 2020, the Court dismissed this case as improvidently accepted.

Read an analysis of the argument here.

On January 8, 2020, the Supreme Court of Ohio will hear oral argument in State of Ohio v. Basim Barnes, 2018-1389. At issue in this case is whether a trial court’s denial of an