At Ohio Appellate Insights, we are happy to announce that Porter Wright has “acquired” the long-running and well-regarded blog, Legally Speaking Ohio. Legally Speaking Ohio was run by University of Cincinnati Professor Emerita (and former First District Court of Appeals Judge) Marianna Brown Bettman, who is retiring this summer. Professor Bettman announced the transition here.
Since 2012, Legally Speaking Ohio provided analyses of cases pending before the Ohio Supreme Court. Professor Bettman, along with student contributors, previewed upcoming cases, analyzed oral arguments and reported on ultimate outcomes. For those interested in the Ohio Supreme Court, it was a consistent must-read and provided thorough and thoughtful commentary of the cases pending before the court.
Although Professor Bettman’s blog has formally retired and no new posts will be made, its content will remain rich, relevant and supportive for those in the legal industry for years to come. Porter Wright is proud to host Legally Speaking Ohio and provide access to its legacy content from the firm’s Ohio Appellate Insights resource page.
Terry’s cases made a number of appearances on Professor Bettman’s blogs, and her recaps were always important reading after oral argument:
- What’s On Their Minds: Use of Evidence Rules in a Civil Service Hearing. Ronald L. Royse v. City of Dayton
- What’s On Their Minds: Once Again, Standing in Foreclosure Cases. Note and Mortgage or Note or Mortgage at Time of Filing? Deutsche Bank National Trust Company as Trustee v. Glenn E. Holden et al.
Terry also worked on five of the cases comprising Legally Speaking Ohio’s top ten most read posts in 2015.
As the editors of Ohio Appellate Insights, we are honored to continue to share this important resource and wish Professor Bettman the very best in her retirement!