Justice Robert Cupp, defeated in the election by challenger William O’Neill, announced that he would not put his name in to be considered for appointment by Gov. Kasich to the unexpired portion of Justice Stratton’s term when she leaves the Court at year’s end, ending speculation that he might.

Justice Cupp released this statement November 16.

“I am gratified by the confidence that so many people have expressed in me and for the encouragement that I have received following the disappointing results of the election.

During the remaining weeks of my term of office, however, the Court will be deciding a number of cases to which the State of Ohio is a party or in which the decision of the Court will have significant policy or political impact. Decisions of the Supreme Court, Ohio’s court of last resort, are unique in this regard. To avoid any appearance that my decision in such cases may be influenced by a desire to be appointed by the Governor to fill the vacancy, and to best serve public confidence in the independence of the Supreme Court, I will not apply for the Governor’s appointment to that position. The remaining few weeks of my term will be used to finish pending court cases that must be completed before the end of the year.

I have enjoyed the challenge and opportunity to serve on Ohio’s highest court during the past six years. I have appreciated the genuine collegiality and honest respect among the justices, as well as the high professionalism of the entire Court staff.

I am gratified that, during this time, the Court has earned a justifiable reputation for respecting the separation of powers between the branches of Ohio’s government in its decisions and, similarly, for maintaining a legal environment for Ohio that is stable, predictable and fair.

At the appropriate time, other opportunities to use my experience gained in over 30 years of legislative, executive, and judicial service will be explored.”

November 16 was the deadline Gov. Kasich had established for submission of applications for those interested in appointment to the remainder of Justice Stratton’s term.

You can read the Governor’s press release about the application process and the list of those helping him with this decision  here.

The blog wishes Justice Cupp well in whatever he decides to do next.